
Aditya Prajapati


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About Me

Hey! I am a senior year cse undergrad from K.J. Somaiya College Of Engineering, Mumbai, exploring backend technologies - being fascinated by distributed systems and devops. I like to learn new stuff by building cool things - most of which can be found on my GitHub account, with my collaborative work hosted under @Team-Probably.
As of now, I am focusing on the fundamentals of distributed systems and other concepts, trying to learn more about how things work under the hood.

Apart from the things said above I also like (reading books || manga) && (watching movies || shows || anime). The list of books that I have read can be found at my Goodreads profile.


KJSCE CodeCell

Cord/Tech Team

As part of the CodeChef campus chapter, I was involved in improving the coding culture in our college by organizing various workshops and competitions on topics of competitive programming and development, to make people think out of the box and question the why behind the theory learnt in lectures.

I was responsible for preparing the content for the workshop, teaching and solving the doubts of the attendees to the best of my knowledge, building other stuff required for the council, and taking a part in other activities like management, making team decisions etc...

Radness Tech

SDE intern

Being involved in the creation of the backend for the MVP for the startup, I had to start from scratch and work my way up after deciding the API and database design.

My responsibilities included choosing the tech stack, designing the api and database schema and then implementing it. I also had to create several automation scripts and tools to be used by the team internally.



Uses puppeteer to control chrome in a headless manner to scrape n latest images from a users instagram profile and returns the urls as JSON.

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Distributed submission system created to utilize idle machines to complete tasks handed to them by a master node.

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SIH Platform

Platform created to make it easier for students to shortlist problem statements, make teams and submit proposals for SIH 2020.

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